To download the package of installation we go to the page We can choose the language giving click in the corresponding flag at the left side of the page. Now we give click in the button "Get It Now" and then in "GET BASIC" (unless we want to pay for the Pro version). A listing of operating systems will be showed to us, we elect in this occasion "Linux (RPM)". It is the onlyt version of Linux that is offered, although is for Red Hat, it leaves not options but electing this.

IMPORTANT!: Always verify that your computer comply with the minimum reuirements for the program that you want to install!

We go to the folder where we doqnload the file and we give permission to be executed:

$ cd folder/LimeWireLinux.rpm $ chmod to + x LimeWire.rpm

On this point we confront a problem: the file tha download is RPM...
How do I execute a package of installation designed for another distribution of Linux? It is easy, for our comfort is provided to us a command named Alien with the one that we can execute files, thus, if we want to install in RedHat, we would do it this way:

$ I sudo rpm LimeWire.rpm

But as we are in Ubuntu and the RPM are foreign packages, we do it thus:

$ alien -div LimeWire.rpm

The options that must be introduced in the command alien are the following:

d: (Debian) Converst the pakage RPM to DEB
i: (Install) Installs automatically the file converted
v: (Verbose) Smaple all the commands executed by the installer (can be omitted)

Wit this already we have LimeWire in our equipment and we can acces it from Applications> la red> LimeWire.
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